Running with Jewel

“In the end only kindness matters…”

This morning, I heard a tune of an oldie moldy but definitely goodie. It was a gem of a song by the artist, Jewel. I couldn’t sing you the song, but just one phrase: “in the end, only kindness matters.”

I was on repeat, not bothered at all, like a broken record. I kept skipping the beats, and it didn’t matter because in the end, there is only kindness and love. This was my message sent for the day from Heaven up above.

During my run, I couldn’t’ stop singing her song…over and over again.

“In the end, only kindness matters…”

For a singer, I simply cannot do her song justice…at all.  I’m sorry Jewel, I know that your song is much more than one line, and in fact is beautiful and long; however, for one reason or another that line sings to me.

“In the end, only kindness matters…”

Jewel has many facets, reflecting a spectrum of colorful lights.  Jewel is an incredible artist, inspiring many with her lyrics and beautiful melodies, and that one phrase alone I kept singing was one that made me smile and feel so fulfilled, spirited and bright.

What a great way to start my day!

On my run singing Jewel’s song, wait that one liner…Oh dear, my poor head…yep, that was me!

“In the end, only kindness matters…”

It was still on repeat.  Nonetheless, that one line made me so very happy. So, I sang it to myself and to you, my dear chappy.

I ran down the street with a skip and a hop, you’d think I was a cute spring bunny. With my hipitty hop, I have no doubt that I looked quite funny.  Yet, I kept singing that dang song all morning long.

During that therapeutic run under the sun, I paid no attention, no matter, no mind to any one, still running, and singing about the key word “kind.”

Still smiling and spreading tunes of good cheer for passers by on my run and for all to hear.

If you heard the pitter and patter approaching, I hope it was my sunny disposition you heard, it was my bright spirit running you felt, and my love and lighthearted kindness encroaching.

I hope you chose your words wisely and that they were filled with warmth and kindness, sending a message from above, one of light, heart and love.  So, if you choose to add to the chatter, choose the message of love and one of kindness, for your words truly do matter.

“In the end, only kindness matters…”

So, let’s hold hands and run down the street, and sing that one line above and our hearts’ skipping beats!

Let’s: Press play. And then, Repeat. 🙂

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